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Jonathan LE ROUX

Jonathan LE ROUX

Distinguished Research Scientist
Speech & Audio Senior Team Leader

Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
Speech & Audio Group
201 Broadway, 8th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Applying for internships

MERL has a great internship program, and we're always on the lookout for outstanding students to come spend a few months with us and work on cutting-edge research ideas.

Interns in the Speech and Audio team typically collaborate with us on all aspects of a research project: derivation of new models, implementation, experimental evaluation, and paper preparation. Our interns publish their work in major conferences in the field, such as ICASSP, Interspeech, WASPAA, and ASRU.

Here is a list of current internship openings in the Speech and Audio Group.

Important note:
We only consider applicants who are already in the Ph.D. program
and have significant experience and publications in the areas of audio, speech, or language processing. We are unfortunately unable to reply to e-mails from other candidates.


Older news

Research Interests

At MERL, the core of my work is on audio signal processing, particularly speech enhancement and audio source separation, nowadays relying heavily on deep learning. I also actively participate in other projects in the Speech and Audio team, involving all parts of the speech and audio processing pipeline, such as acoustic event and anomaly detection, diarization, language modeling, natural language undersanding, dialog systems, etc.

Prior to joining MERL, my Ph.D. and post-doc work included F0 estimation for single/multiple speakers and in noisy environments, spectrogram-consistency-aware signal processing, fast signal reconstruction from magnitude spectrograms, model-based source separation methods using harmonically-constrained GMMs as well as various extensions to non-negative matrix factorization (NMF).


Note: when using BibTeX to cite my papers, please make sure to write my last name as {Le Roux} in the author list, to prevent BibTeX (and later on Google...) from wrongly considering "Le" as a middle name. Thanks!

Academic activities




Brief Curriculum Vitae

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